Monday, March 31, 2014

Sufficiency of Scripture

One of the primary targets of Satan's attacks is Scripture, and more specifically, its sufficiency. If he can get people to believe that the Bible is insufficient, then he can get them to start looking elsewhere for answers, and thus lead them away from the Truth.

I wanted to pass along this timely article by Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries who examines the claim of the charismatic movement that God is still in the business of giving divine, inspired revelation to His people today. As you'll see, those involved in the charismatic movement tend to take specific commands and/or promises for a specific time in history and apply them to the church today. This can be a very dangerous way to interpret the Bible.

One quote that stuck out to me was from a Korean Missionary named Harvie Conn. He concluded that one of the distinguishing factors of mystical religions is their belief in special revelation apart from the Bible. He says:
If added revelations repeat what’s in the Bible, they are unnecessary. If new revelations contradict the Word of God, they are heresy. And if they supplement God’s Word, then the new revelations imply Scripture’s insufficiency, and about this Proverbs warns: “Add thou not unto his [God’s] words, lest he [God] reprove thee, and thou be found a liar” (Proverbs 30:6, KJV).
Read the full article here: THE HOLY SPIRIT AND HOLY SCRIPTURE 

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