Saturday, July 25, 2015

Stand Firm in the Face of Persecution

Several times a week, I pick up my copy of John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs and read a few pages. I do it to remind myself that Christians throughout history have not always enjoyed the blessed freedom we currently have here in the United States. I also do it to prepare myself for persecution, if and when it may come. Reading about the bravery and fortitude of faithful followers of Christ in the past, in the midst of the most horrible and gruesome tortures devised by evil men, makes me a more thankful Christian but it also gives me an opportunity to pray to God asking that I too would have that kind of faith and determination should I face even a fraction of what some of these men and women have faced.

Recently I was reading about the Seventh Persecution under the Roman emperor Decius in A.D. 249, and given recent events in the U.S., I couldn’t help but draw parallels with what will most likely become more of a reality for today’s Christians. Foxe records:

“Decius attempted the very extirpation of the name of Christian; and it was unfortunate for the Gospel, that many errors had, about this time, crept into the Church: the Christians were at variance with each other; self-interest divided those whom social love ought to have united; and the virulence of pride occasioned a variety of factions.

The heathens in general were ambitious to enforce the imperial decrees upon this occasion, and looked upon the murder of a Christian as a merit to themselves.”

We have reached a defining moment in U.S. history with the redefinition of marriage now the supreme law of the land. What is unfortunate is that many denominations in America have already or are in the process of capitulating their theology to the vain philosophies of post-modern culture. This is very unfortunate for the Gospel. With itching ears, people flock to hear the things they want to hear, the kinds of things that fit the image of God in their minds. The saddest part about that is, who is going to rescue them from the deception they’ve fallen into?

Within 100 miles of my hometown in southwest Missouri, there are 24 “gay affirming” churches according to a popular search site specifically for finding these types of churches. The denominations include United Methodist, Episcopal, Pentecostal, United Church of Christ, Evangelical Lutheran, Non-denominational, and inter-denominational, among others. In metro Denver where I now live, I found 30 “gay affirming” churches, adding to the list of denominations the Presbyterian Church (USA), a few Catholic churches, and a Mennonite church.

All claim to be following the teachings of Christ.

As in 249 A.D., this is but one of many errors that have crept into the Church. However, we shouldn’t be surprised. The apostle Peter told us this would happen:

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. 2 Peter 2: 1-3

The way of truth will be blasphemed, the way of salvation through Jesus Christ. It sickens me to know that all of these deceivers and deceived are marauding around proclaiming they know the way of truth, yet they are miring in corruption, despising the very authority they think they are upholding! Peter goes on to explain that their judgment lingers not, that these unbelievers are condemned already, and then he gives various examples of the punishment of sinners in earlier ages as an example to those come later. What is the outside world to think of such a state of Christianity?

With respect to the redefinition of marriage in the U.S., Christian persecution is only going to get worse. As in the days of Decius, the secular community is ambitious to enforce these new Supreme Court rulings on anyone who disagrees with them, namely Christians. In a video I watched recently, a man explained that the police power of the state will follow the laws or interpretation of laws. What he means is that soon Christian churches and parachurch organizations, along with Christian-owned business, will be targeted for discrimination against homosexuals, and prosecuted according to the law. Saying homosexuality is a sin and is wrong will be and already is considered hate speech. We will be labeled haters, bigots, homophobes, discriminators, “stuck in the past”, religious zealots, intolerant, etc. etc. – you name it, we’ll be called it. Not only that, those who oppose true Christianity in any form will think it is a merit unto themselves for doing so!

I encourage anyone reading this to prepare themselves now for what will be coming our way. Stand firm in your faith! Hold fast to the Word of God! Waver not in your determination to know and declare the Truth! And as 2 Peter 2:9 says, trust that the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials!

During the reign of Decius, a young woman of 16 years of age by the name of Denisa, watched as Nichomachus, a professed Christian, was brought before Optimus, the proconsul of Asia, and was ordered to sacrifice to the pagan idols. At first he opposed, saying “I cannot pay that respect to devils, which is only due to the Almighty.” This enraged the proconsul and he was soon put to the rack to face many torments and tortures. After enduring them for a time, he sadly recanted and renounced his faith. But only a few moments after this proof of his frailty, he fell into the greatest of agonies, dropped down to the ground, and died. Denisa suddenly exclaimed, “O unhappy wretch, why would you buy a moment’s ease at the expense of a miserable eternity!” When Optimus heard this, he called to her and Denisa avowed herself to be a Christian. Soon after, she was beheaded by his order.

My Christian brothers and sisters, do not buy a moment’s ease in the face of persecution at the expense of your eternity! For Jesus said:

"Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 10:32-33